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Wrestler 2017, 2013
D : 03/09/1987 ~ Ö :

He was born on September 3, 1987 in Akçay village of Elmalı, Antalya. İsmail Balaban, one of the twins (İsmail ve Turan Balaban) of a family that depends on farming, has become interested professionally in wrestling sports after discovered by Ziya Talan-an old wrestler- when he was 17 years old.

The twins, working as portal in apple orchards at the weekends, both tried to continue their education and wrestling career with the money they earn here. İsmail and his brother Turan, imputing hay bales onto trucks at nights to go to the wrestling competitions held in various places of Antalya, have received good results in the wrestling competitions they struggled under the roof of Konyaaltı Municipality Sports Club and won the love of wrestling fans.

In Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling, İsmail Balaban got first place at small middle big category in 2009 and third place at steerage category in 2012. In 652. Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling held between the dates of 5-7 July 2013, İsmail Balaban competed at head category in the field of wrestling and advanced to final by eliminating legend wrestlers such as Şaban Yılmaz and Recep Kara. He wrestled with the champion of last 2 years, Ali Gürbüz in final competition and achieved a great success by coming in second at the end of a tough competition. But, as Ali Gürbüz got punished by wrestling federation, İsmail Balaban was declared as Head Wrestler (Başpehlivan) of 2013. He got second place by losing out to Fatih Atlı in 2014. He is currently the student of Adnan Menderes University Physical Education and Sports Academy and his license number is 07-1071.


T.C. EDİRNE BELEDİYE BAŞKANLIĞI - Kırkpınar Yağlı Güreşleri Festivali Bilgi ve Dokümantasyon Mrk.
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