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Oil Caldron

One of the preparations made in Sarayiçi Er Meydanı (Men’s Field) for Kırkpınar Oil Wrestlings is to put “big oil caldrons” next to the dressing rooms of the Pehlivans.

The wrestlers having fight, firstly by goint to this caldron getting oiled with the help of the man who spills oil to the bodies of the pehlivans.

Method of applying oil is an example to the all sports branches, in the sense of friendship and helping .  

Major names of the games who are refraining from the pairing up with each others most of the time, during the oiling,  they help and spill oil to each others.

Besides, the men who spill oil, walk around the wrestling area with ibrik(pitcher).  

The pehlivans who have lost the oil in their bodies by falling down to the grass,  can take oil from the men who spill oil in the area.

However, without permission of the opponent, this fact will not occur. If a pehlivan senses that his opponent is having rest with the oiling request, he has the right of inviting his opponent to the wrestling by pulling the kasnak of his kispet.

T.C. EDİRNE BELEDİYE BAŞKANLIĞI - Kırkpınar Yağlı Güreşleri Festivali Bilgi ve Dokümantasyon Mrk.
Babademirtaş Mh. Hastane 1 Sok. No:11 22100-EDİRNE +90 284 2134100 © 2015 All rights reserved. Not allowed to be copied content.
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