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In wrestling terminology, cazgır is a  person who is traditional announcer able to predict the outcomes of games, who know the features and games of the wrestler and having capable of praying.

Cazgır is the person who introduces all the wrestlers to the spectators and who starts the wrestling. The announcer, who may also be referred to as “Salavatçı”, introduces the names, titles and the wrestling skills of the wrestlers who are matched by drawing lots, or jury, in suitable verses and prayers.

“Salavat” is the lyrics and words of praise and warning said by Cazgır before the wrestlers go out on the wrestling field. Cazgır should know all the wrestlers closely and warn the competitor by saying the strong features of the competitor while reading the prayers at the time of matching. His voice is very strong and he reads lyrics accordance with the rules of praying. These are among  his most important characteristics.

Cazgır tries to ensure unity in the wrestling field. He makes an exciting impact on viewers and wretslers by reading the prayers also called “Salavat” in a musical form. Being Cazgır is seen as a profession and a masterapprentice tradition is followed among the announcers as among the wrestlers. They have also traditional clothes.



T.C. EDİRNE BELEDİYE BAŞKANLIĞI - Kırkpınar Yağlı Güreşleri Festivali Bilgi ve Dokümantasyon Mrk.
Babademirtaş Mh. Hastane 1 Sok. No:11 22100-EDİRNE +90 284 2134100 © 2015 All rights reserved. Not allowed to be copied content.
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