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The Drum and Horn Team

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      The drum and horn team is one of the most important elements in Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling Festival. They learn to play an instrument in the master-aprentice relationship. The drum and horn team playing music during the festival join in the festival with the traditional clothes as well as the others.

   As the wrestling starts slow and more couples of wrestlers fight at the same time, the about 20 drums produce a steady 12/4 rhythm called “güreş havası”. On top of this pounding heart sound the 20 horns play a cosmic bliss of various melodies. When the attacks of wrestlers become dense and at the end of each bout the drums accelerated to a 24/8 rhythm. This combined hihigh of rhythm and excitement is called Ceng-i Harbi. A sensation of timeless sounds mixed with immersion in the immediate moment.

The drums and and horn ( Davul ve zurna) maket he heart speed up, as wrestlers and audience experience a kind of rush sensation from these songs. It is often said that the wrestlers  stop wrestling when the music is stopped.

T.C. EDİRNE BELEDİYE BAŞKANLIĞI - Kırkpınar Yağlı Güreşleri Festivali Bilgi ve Dokümantasyon Mrk.
Babademirtaş Mh. Hastane 1 Sok. No:11 22100-EDİRNE +90 284 2134100 © 2015 All rights reserved. Not allowed to be copied content.
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